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Saving energy with an Automatic surface skimmer

Haroldo Level

Clean and clear pools saving energy with an Automatic moving surface cleaner. Maintaining our pools clean all year long is very important. In addition to maintaining the water chemically balanced, it’s important to maintain your pool water well circulated. Keeping your pool water moving is part of what helps keep it clean. No one wants to swim in stagnant water. Turnover is the term used to measure the time needed by a pump to pass the entire pool capacity though the filter. The pool turnover rate is important for proper filtration. Not cycling enough water through the filter can result in swimming pool algae blooms, cloudy pool water and water balance issues.   Automatic moving surface cleaners are designed to move around the pool, cleaning the pool surface from leaves, dust, pollen, debris, bugs, sweat, hair spray, sun blockers, deodorants, perfume, dead algae, sand, chlorine, coagulants and many other particles. Eliminating the contaminant floating on pool surface before they mix is a more efficient way to keep your pool clean.   As an example, SkimmerMotion moves around the pool cleaning the top 0.7’-1” of water several times per day. Industry standards recommend a minimum target turnover rate of 6 hours and a minimum of 2 turnovers per 24 hours. In 6-8 hours, a single speed pump will make 2 turnovers of the entire pool water. In the same period an automatic surface cleaner will circulate the top .7” of surface 20 times. In addition to skimming visible floating debris, the main benefit is how it improves the overall circulation and health of the pool.  The top layer is where most bacteria are, and because automatic surface cleaner will reach dead spots that would otherwise not be circulated/filtered. Variable Speed Pumps (VSP) allow us to run the pump as low as 400 rpm for a longer time, with significant saving in energy (electricity bill). The theory is good, but in practice, in order to keep your wall skimmer working you need around 1800 rpm for a long period of time. Bottom pool cleaners required more than 2800 rpm for 3 or 4 hours to operate properly. Running VSP just 4 hrs. Per day over 2800 will be enough to run your bottom suction cleaner and your automatic surface cleaner with significant electricity savings. When VSP is set at lower flow, even when the Bottom suction cleaner is not moving, automatic surface cleaners will continue to send the surface water around it to the pool filtration system, improving the water quality and cleaning the surface VSP will help us reduce our cost but not as advertised. Automatic moving surface cleaners connected to a bottom suction cleaner is a great addition to your pool, energy efficient and keep your pool clean and clear all year long.   Example: A 15'x30' pool with 17.000 gallons of water will need 8 hours per day at 3,000 rpm to perform 2 water turnovers. In the same period an automatic surface cleaner will circulate the top .7” of surface (196 Gallons). 20 Surface TURNOVERS. An automatic surface cleaner will keep your pool clean and clear and allow you to run your pump more efficient and for fewer hours.


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